Lesson 2: Don't skimp on the statement pieces.
If your going to wear an outfit only once, don't spend tons of money on it. It's just silly unless you have unlimited funds. For girls who are on a budget, only spend your money on things you can continuously rock. Such as your handbags, shoes, jeans, and accessories.
You should always spend a little dough on a handbag. You take it with you everywhere, not only is it style but it serves a purpose as well. It's the most important part of your wardrobe, and important things should not be shorted.
Your shoes and boots are also something you shouldn't be cheap about. They are a symbol of your style and protect your feet. As a busy working girl you need to be comfortable and stylish, and that doesn't come cheap.
Every girl needs three pairs of jeans to survive. Those jeans need to be trendy and sturdy because they're the most used item of clothing in your closet. Do your research on these so-called "high-end" brands of jeans, because every Seven for all mankind jean that I have ever owned tore within the first week. I don't spend lots of money on jeans for them to tear. I recommend James Jeans because they have great shaping, style and are very well made.
Accessories, Accessories, Accessories, I talk about them way to much, I know-but it's important! A good watch is always needed, and its cool to drop a few bucks on one. Fine jewelery is nice if you like it, but not always necessary. Fun, and funky jewelery designers such as Love Heals, Iosselliani, and Erickson Beamon, design amazing statement pieces. They aren't exactly cheap, but just one great piece of jewelery is all you need.
Save your pennies ladies and really appreciate the important part of your closet.
More lessons coming right up...
SJP in Erickson Beamon
Iosselliani Rings are my Favorite
Love statement pieces! I just did a post on statement pieces! Check mine out too!